How to Draw a Stack of Money

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How to draw money

Would you like to draw a valuable stack of money? Now you can, with the help of this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial. All you will need is a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing. Extend a short line from just below two of the rectangle’s corners.

Draw a money sign, “$,” like a letter “S” with a line through it, on the top of the currency strap.

How to Draw a Stack of Money

The first paper money of this kind developed in China during the eleventh century. Learn how to draw a great looking Stack of Money with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. Draw two curved lines extending upward, one from each side of the rope. Draw another curved line mirroring the first.

How to draw money

Draw four straight lines parallel to the rectangle, as if they too were forming a rectangle; however, don’t connect the corners. Then, connect each line with a short, curved line to form a fancy pattern. Draw coins that have fallen from the bag. For each coin, draw a narrow horizontal oval. Then, draw a short line descending from each side of the oval.

​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​ Cartoon Money

Connect the curved lines using a long wavy line, outlining the top of the bag. Have you ever wondered why some coins have ridges on their sides? When coins were still made of solid gold, silver, and copper, some people would shave bits of these metals off the sides of the coins. Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Money with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.

People would often trade these notes for other items. What makes paper money so valuable? At one time, items were used as money because of their actual value. For example, a coin was made of gold, and its worth was dependent on the weight of the gold.

  1. In the United States, paper money is in various shades of green, but in other countries, money may come in many colors.
  2. Draw a narrow rectangle through the “S,” erasing guide lines as necessary.
  3. Draw another curved line mirroring the first.
  4. Texture the side of the coins with short lines.
  5. These include pink, orange, blue, and red.

Using two curved lines, enclose a curved shape at the top of the money bag. This is the rope that ties the money bag closed. Texture the rope with curved lines. Color your stack of money. In the United States, paper money is in various shades of green, but in other countries, money may come in many colors.

Stack of Money Drawing Tutorial – Easy & Fun Printable Pages

Notice that the line remains where the strap bends. By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Stack of Money. Outline the shape of the letter “S” on the front of the bag. They would then spend the coins for their full value, but either sell the shavings or use them to make other objects. The ridges made it obvious when the coins had been shaved, and the thieves could thus be identified. References to money bags in art and history date back 2,000 years.

How to Draw Cartoon Money

Use two straight lines to connect the short lines, outlining another bill, its lines parallel to the first. Repeat this to form a third bill beneath the first two – extend two short lines, then connect them using longer straight lines. Within the rectangle, enclose another shape.

Easy Cartoon Money Drawing – Step 3

Connect these lines using a curved line, outlining the side of the coin. Texture the side of the coins with short lines. Draw a narrow rectangle through the “S,” erasing guide lines as necessary.

Coins were easy to carry and more durable than materials such as seashells. Coins were often stamped with images of government leaders, deities, crops, or animals. A sack full of money is a common image in popular culture. By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Money. Erase guide lines from the currency strap.