Roger Jellison

Roger Jellison
Roger is a seasoned finance and accounting professional with 8 years of public accounting and over 25 years of private company experience in a broad range of industries including manufacturing, distribution, technology (software, hardware, and telecom), construction, and services.

Turbotax Guide To Filing An Amended Return With The Irs

Turbotax Guide To Filing An Amended Return With The Irs

If you are due a refund from your current year tax return, the IRS states that generally you should wait until you receive your refund before filing your amendment if you are claiming an additional refund. In order to claim a tax refund, a tax amendment has to be filed within 3 years you filed the original tax return , or within 2 years of ...

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Find where you originally entered it and delete it. If you can’t find it, contact TurboTax support. I used it last year and it worked out great. I have a different situation this year. I made my IRA contribution in April to be applied to 2012 then did the “back door” Roth conversion. Educating yourself before the tax ...

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Are 529 Contributions Tax Deductible?

Are 529 Contributions Tax Deductible?

Not all 529 plans accept requests to change ownership so first check with your plan. Generally speaking, you don’t want to have money left over in your 529 account once your child graduates from college. If you have a substantial balance in your 529 account, consider tapping the account at the earliest tax-free opportunity. Even if ...

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Does Turbo Tax Do Your Local Tax As Well

Does Turbo Tax Do Your Local Tax As Well

For a specific city filing question please feel free to post a new question to ensure it gets the attention needed to assist. Tax Hive is not a financial planner, broker, investment advisor, or law firm. Each personal financial situation is unique, and any information obtained using this website or its related services may not be appropriate ...

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How Do I Request Prior Year Federal Tax Returns?

How Do I Request Prior Year Federal Tax Returns?

Transfers information automatically from more than 400,000 employers, banks and financial institutions. Customers gain immediate access to essential tax information, dramatically reducing data entry and making tax preparation easier and more accurate. Guides taxpayers step-by-step through their tax return, getting them every deduction and ...

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Tax Estimator To Calculate Your 2014 Tax Refund

Tax Estimator To Calculate Your 2014 Tax Refund

You can get my latest articles full of valuable tips and other information delivered directly to your email for free simply by entering your email address below. Your address will never be sold or used for spam and you can unsubscribe at any time. Please note that this calculator uses 2014 tax tables. All of the tax parameters and ...

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