Roger Jellison

Roger Jellison
Roger is a seasoned finance and accounting professional with 8 years of public accounting and over 25 years of private company experience in a broad range of industries including manufacturing, distribution, technology (software, hardware, and telecom), construction, and services.

States With The Highest Sales Tax Rates In The Usa

States With The Highest Sales Tax Rates In The Usa

Sales tax and discretionary sales surtax are calculated on each taxable transaction. Florida uses a bracket system for calculating sales tax when the transaction falls between two whole dollar amounts. Multiply the whole dollar amount by the tax rate and use the bracket system to figure the tax on the amount less than a dollar. A second ...

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Benefits For The Terminally Ill

Benefits For The Terminally Ill

If you’re on benefits, you can claim from your Jobcentre Plus office or call . You need a medical certificate from your doctor if you’re off sick for more than a week. You’ll be paid SSP the same way as wages for up to 28 weeks of sick leave. But you may get sick pay for longer than that, depending on your own ...

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What Can I Deduct & What Receipts Should I Keep For My Taxes?

What Can I Deduct & What Receipts Should I Keep For My Taxes?

If you deducted the cost of bad debt or worthless securities, keep records for seven years. Good business recordkeeping lets you prepare financial statements, helps you keep tabs on your expenses, and comes in handy if you ever get sued or audited. There are a ton of different apps out there to help you with organizing your receipts. Neat is ...

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Individual Mandate Definition

Individual Mandate Definition

Our associates and brokers will be available to assist you and share their expertise as you consider your choices. If you lose your insurance in the middle of the year, you may qualify for a special enrollment period to purchase an ACA-compliant plan on the public exchange. While these provisions protect people from being denied coverage or ...

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Know The Facts About The Fair Tax

Know The Facts About The Fair Tax

They are required to report these sales every month (see Personal vs. business purchases). The government could also stipulate that all retail sellers provide buyers with a written receipt, regardless of transaction type (cash, credit, etc.), which would create a paper trail for evasion with risk of having the buyer turn them in . FairTax ...

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Common Tax Deductions And Exemptions

Common Tax Deductions And Exemptions

Filer B receives up to $200 in tax benefits from the deduction, and Filer C receives up to $740. Tax deductions are an essential way to minimize the amount of tax you have to pay, and good record keeping will ensure you get to keep those deductions if the IRS ever comes knocking. In addition to insurance premiums, you can deduct other ...

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